Well meaning advice must always be viewed with a degree of caution, as it can sometimes be misleading.
I was talking to a recent burglary victim the other day, who had recently moved into an out-of-the way rural area. They consulted the Police when they moved in. The Police visited their home and remarked that they weren’t even aware of the area and on that basis it was safe and they didn’t need security? Even the stock exchange will warn you that past performance is no guarantee of future returns!
This is hardly the basis of making such a recommendation particularly in these days of mobility. Not all criminals are fools and they realise that people who live in remote areas can sometimes be a bit complacent about security and are therefore a much easier target.
As we all know statistics in the wrong (or right hands) are notorious at giving a false impression so when taking advice based on such data it might be worth checking the veracity of what you are being told!
Please note that I am not pointing an accusing finger at the police with this blog, just highlighting the dangers of taking advice on face value.
Eric Chorley
GuardHome Limited