Category: The Data Protection Act

We live in the real world – and deliver real world CCTV systems

As a lover of science fiction, I like nothing more to imagine that I could travel round the universe visiting strange new worlds, seeking out new civilisations etc etc. But I know it is only an artificial image created by clever special effects and computer graphics and will never be a reality for quite some… Continue reading We live in the real world – and deliver real world CCTV systems

CCTV Coverage

When we are commissioned to install CCTV for a client we sit down with the client and discuss what they are looking for in terms of the coverage and detail that they expect from the CCTV system that we will install for them. This is a very important aspect of CCTV design and provides us… Continue reading CCTV Coverage

The Data Protection Act 1998 – Does Your CCTV Surveillance System Comply?

In the 1998 the scope of the Data Protection Act was broadened to include the capture, storage and use of personal data about individuals. This requirement extends to video images produced by CCTV surveillance cameras and a code of practice was produced to ensure that  the obligations under the act were properly understood. In simple… Continue reading The Data Protection Act 1998 – Does Your CCTV Surveillance System Comply?

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